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Collaborating on posts

Collaborate and enhance posts with your team

Updated over a week ago

Slab allows you to collaborate with others on a post in real-time. This article covers how and other tools you can use to collaborate with your team.

How to collaborate

To start collaborating, you can share your post with as many teammates as you'd like. Alternatively, if everyone already has access to the post, you can just begin editing together.

Teammates who are editing a post will have a colored border around their avatar at the top of the page. The same color will be used to indicate their cursor while they are editing.


Anyone editing a post other than the post's owner will be identified as a contributor. Contributors can be viewed by clicking the ℹ️ information icon above the post title.

Other ways to collaborate

Slab has several other ways to collaborate on a post, including:

  • Comments let you leave feedback, suggestions, and questions for your teammates.

  • Reactions let you show excitement and support in a post with emojis.

  • Mentions allow you to mention a teammate or group in a post or comment.

  • Version history provides a record of all changes made to a post and who made them.

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