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Post comments

How to give feedback on posts using comments

Updated over 8 months ago

Active participation is essential for keeping team documentation relevant, helpful, and fresh. Your team can easily collaborate and engage with comments to improve your shared knowledge! 💡

Leaving comments

Have thoughts or feedback for a teammate you would like to leave in a post? Comments can be left on edit and read mode to do just that!

To leave a comment:

  1. Highlight the relevant text.

  2. Click the 💬 comment bubble icon in the toolbar.

  3. Compose your comment.

  4. Click Comment.

⚠️ Be aware: Comment threads authored by users without edit access to a post will only be visible to them and users with edit access.

Replying to comments

To reply to a comment:

  1. Click on the comment you want to reply to.

  2. Compose your message.

  3. Click Comment.

Reacting to comments

React to comments with an emoji to indicate that the comment has been completed, seen, approved, or anything else!

To react to a comment:

  1. Click on the comment.

  2. Hover over the comment you want to react to.

  3. Click the emoji icon and select one.

Resolving comments

Once a comment has been addressed, any user can resolve it:

  1. Hover over the first comment of the thread.

  2. Click the Resolve checkmark icon in the upper right corner.

Viewing comment history

At times, you may want to see comments from the past (either comments that have been resolved or are no longer present because of changes in the post).

To view comment history:

  1. Click the … menu in the top-right corner.

  2. Select View history.

  3. Click the Comments tab.

From here, you can also unresolve comments by clicking the Unresolve button on the comment you'd like to restore.

Deleting a comment thread

Original commenters can delete comment threads they created.

✏️ Note: Deleted threads will not show up in the post's history.

To delete a thread:

  1. Click on the comment.

  2. Hover over the first comment and click the … menu.

  3. Click Delete thread.

  4. Click Delete in the popup confirmation window.

Using mentions in comments

Mention teammates, groups, topics, and posts in your comments!

To mention a teammate or group, click the @ icon or type @ and the teammate/group's name within the comment box.

Type + and the post or topic name within the comment box to mention a post or topic.

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