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Topic page basics

Basic topic information, topic posts, and view members

Updated over 8 months ago

Each topic in Slab has its own page. In this article, you will learn the basics of a topic page. A separate article explains how to make updates.

Who can see the topic page?

The visibility of a topic and its page is controlled by its permission settings and the user's membership status. This article provides detailed explanations.

On a private topic, users who don't have view access to a topic page will be shown the option to request access from a topic owner. Admins of your team also have an additional option to join the topic with their admin superpower.

Editing the topic page

Topic members, with edit permission, can customize a topic’s name, description, and banner image. Learn more about editing topics pages here.

View topic activity

On a topic page, you can see all updates made to posts within the topic, including edits, comments, and publications.

To view topic activity:

  1. Go to the topic.

  2. Click the … menu in the top right corner.

  3. Click 🕘 Activity.


Posts that belong directly to the topic are shown first on the topic page, followed by the topic's subtopics and their posts. Subtopics are always ordered by their depth - the nearest subtopics are shown first.

Filtering and sorting posts

By default, the topic page will show all the published posts and sort posts by popularity.

To filter posts:

  1. Go to the topic page.

  2. Click on Published in the top right corner to open the dropdown.

  3. Select to show from the following post types: Published, Verified, Archived, Drafts, All posts.

To sort posts:

  1. Go to the topic page.

  2. Click on Popularity in the top right corner to open the dropdown.

  3. Select to sort from the following options: Popularity, Recently Viewed, Recently Updated, Recently Published, Alphabetical.


Membership of a topic affects topic permissions. To view a topic's members:

  1. Go to the topic.

  2. Click the … menu in the top-right corner.

  3. Click Members.

Learn how to edit topic membership in this article.

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